Extcalc - Scientific Calculator

Extcalc Description

Concalc Description






Extcalc Documentation

Concalc Documentation



Script programming and Graphics examples

If you need general information about the Extcalc script language, please visit the documentation page of Extcalc.
On this page, you can download some example script code,which runs on Concalc and Extcalc and example functions for graph drawing.

You can download, test and modify this examples. You may also send me your own script programs or functions, so that I can publish them on this page.
When you want to do that, please send the code whith a short description to rainer1223@users.sourceforge.net.

To use script code in Extcalc, open Extcalc, choose the script editor and use the import dialog from the menu script -> import script.
For Concalc, download the code and run concalc -m scriptname.
To import functions for graph drawing into Extcalc, choose the graphics window and open the import dialog from the menu by graphic -> import graphs.

Graphics Examples:

1. Standard set of example graphs

2. Set of animated graphs

Code Examples:

1. Prime Numbers

2. Pingpong

3. Starsimulator

4. Vigenere

5. Snake

6. Mandelbrot

7. Vectors

8. Matrices

9. Cubes

10. Colored Cube

11. Electric Field Simulation

Graphics Examples

1. Example Set

Author: Rainer Strobel, David Wang
Description: The standard example graphs which come with Extcalc.

2. Animated Graphs

Author: David Wang
Description: Set of animated Graphs.
They present almost all the techniques covered in college algebra about generating the graph of a complicated function from the graph of the very basic function.

Code Examples

1. Prime Numbers

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: Prints out all prime numbers, starting with 2
Example for: print command, using variables, for loop, if expression

2. Pingpong

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: A small pingpong game, controlled by the a and d key.
Example for: nonbreaking input functions, printing and setting cursor, using sleep command

3. Starsimulator

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: Fly with your spaceship, and don't touch the stars. Small game controlled by the w and s keys
Example for: arrays, random numbers

4. Vigenere

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: Enter a text and a password, and the script calculates the endoded message. (Vigenere endocing with uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers)
Example for: text input functions, working with strings

5. Snake

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: A snake game. Use the wsad-keys to play.
Example for: dynamic arrays, random numbers, input/output functions

6. Mandelbrot

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: Shows the mandelbrot fractal. Move with wsad, zoom with r and f.
Example for: Programming with complex numbers

7. Vectors

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: This includes a script that calculates the dotproduct of two vectors and one that calculates the crossproduct. These scripts were shipped with Extcalc.
Example for: arrays, vector programming
Download Dotproduct
Download Crossproduct

8. Matrices

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: Matrix programming examples. These scripts were shipped with Extcalc.
Example for: Matrixprogramming, 2-dimensional arrays
Download Matrixproduct
Download Matrix-Vector-Product

9. Cubes

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: 6 colored rotating cubes.
Example for: GL programming, display lists, color
Download Cubes

10. Colored Cube

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: A rotating cube with colored edges.
Example for: GL programming, display lists, color, gl transformation
Download Colored Cube

11. Electric Field Simulation

Author: Rainer Strobel
Description: Shows the electric field of two electric charges in ball form. The Position and the value of the electric charges can be changed.
Example for: GL programming, vector arithmetics, keyboard usage
Download Electric Field Simulation

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