Extcalc Description
Concalc Description
Extcalc Documentation
Concalc Documentation
Project Description
Extcalc is a scientfic graphic calculator for Linux.
Extcalc is designed to use the full performance of a modern
Computer for mathematical calculations.
Here are the main qualities:
- Calculating all standard mathematical operations on a Qt-based interface
- Usage of special functions like integration and differentiation
- Drawing different types of 2D- and 3D-graphs with OpenGL-Acceleration
- Function-analysis features for all supported graph types
- Integrated C-like script programming language, script editor, programming examples
- Text-based version to use on a console
Version Info
The latest download version of Extcalc is 0.9.3.
This is a beta version. The sofware must be tested and optimized at this state. When you miss a feature, please have a look
at the features page.
The latest download version of Concalc is also 0.9.3.
It uses the same mathematical algorithms as Extcalc and it
can be used in a console. The development of the console-specific part is finished, but it still needs the complete Extcalc calculator
and scripting algorithms.
Max Eliaser has written an interactive terminal interface for concalc.
It can be downloaded under http://gist.github.com/Max-E/5298687.
Extcalc in the SourceForge blog. A blog article about Extcalc was posted to the
SourceForge Blog.
Extcalc version 0.9.3 released. This version includes major internal changes, including the switch from Qt 3 to Qt 4.
Change from CVS to Subversion. From now on, development sourcecode will only be available via Subversion. The CVS server is no longer used.
Extcalc and Concalc v0.9.2 released. The new release includes changes in graph management and a new, faster interpreter.
It also contains some minor bugfixes.
New "examples page". Examples for graph drawing and scripting can be downloaded at this page.
The files can be imported directly into Extcalc
Extcalc v0.9.1 released. The second beta release comes with some improved functions and new features.
The changes affect graph drawing, help, internationalization and the user interface.
You can see Extcalc at Southern California Linux Expo, Feruary 8-10 2008
as part of linuxastronomy.org

Extcalc v0.9.0 released. This is the first beta release.
This version icludes an improved user interface and a french translation.
Renamed subproject Calc to Concalc. The CVS and Subversion access
commands have also changed.
The names of the Sourceforge Subversion servers have been changed.
The updated Subversion download commands can be found on the download-page.
Extcalc and Calc v0.8.5 released.
This version includes functions for statistical analysis and approximation.
Extcalc includes all main features, now.
New release v0.8.0 of Extcalc and Calc.
This version comes with lots of new functions
like a new matrix/vector calculation window
Version 0.7.0 of Extcalc and Calc is available.
The new version supports matrix- and vector operations
and it includes an improved script editor with some example scripts.
Extcalc has been added to the Debian distribution.
It is currently part of Debian unstable.
An updated version of the English documentation is online available.
Thanks to Jon Tankersley.
The files of the new Extcalc release 0.6.5 are available for downloading.
This version supports calculation with complex numbers, complex function graphs
and some new features to control graph analysis precision and performance.
Mailing list for project created.
You can use this mailing list to send questions, bug reports or feature requests.
The adress is extcalc-linux-public@lists.sourceforge.net.
Extcalc and Calc v0.6.0 released.
Sourcecode and binary packages can be downloaded at Sourceforge.
Some new script programming examples are also available.
Example codes for the Extcalc script programming language are now online.
I've created a small page with short descriptions and the code to download.
Binary packages of Calc and Extcalc are available, now.
For information about the supported architectures and
distributions, please have a look at Binary packages .
Version 0.5.0 released.
This version of Extcalc and Calc can be downloaded at sourceforge.
It includes full scripting support and lots of bugfixes.
If you want to download it, please have a look at the
Download page.
The project code can now also be downloaded by Subversion.
The Subversion repository starts with v0.5.0 of Extcalc and
v0.4.5 of Calc
For download instructions, please have a look at the
Download page.
Extcalc v0.5.0 is available in CVS, now.
The downloadable packages will follow within the next days.
Version 0.5 will be the first Version, for which I will build
binary packages.
Extcalc and Calc v0.4.5 released.
Both applications do now support scripting.
In Extcalc, you can edit the scripts with the included script editor
Extcalc v0.4.0 and Calc v0.4.0 released.
Extcalc supports more graph analysation methods now.
Calc can use variables and has updated calculation algorithms.
Extcalc v0.3.0 released.
The new version can calculate value tables
Extcalc v0.2.3 with support of 3D-graphis released
The first release of Calc (version 0.2.2 alpha) is now
available at the Sourceforge download servers
Released version 0.2.2 of Extcalc
This version can use polar coordinates, polar functions and parameter functions
Version 0.2.0 alpha with logic functions released
New download version of extcalc available
At v0.1.1, some bugs were fixed
Updated homepage:
Added documentation for calc and extcalc
Added infos to Calc-project
The new subproject Calc started today
Calc is a calculator for the linux console and you can download
a testversion from the Sourceforge CVS-server
Start of the Extcalc homepage
CVS Repository for extcalc enabled
Upload of first CVS-version of Extcalc (v0.1.0)
Start of the Extcalc project at sourceforge.net
Upload of the first test-release of Extcalc (v0.1.0)
Basic sourceforge.net-features enabled for this project