Extcalc Description
Concalc Description
Extcalc Documentation
Concalc Documentation
This page collects suggestions for new features from the users of the program.
If you have an idea for a feature that should be added to Extcalc, please send a email to rainer1223@users.sourceforge.net. You will
receive a short answer what will happen with your suggestion.
Before you make a suggestion, please have a look at the planned features list.
Planned Features
This is a list of the features that will be integrated into Extcalc during the beta state.
The main features have been integrated during the alpha phase.
- add calculator support for reverse polish notation (RPN)
- optimization of the script interpreter and graph drawing methods
- symbolic calculation with systems of linear equations
- optimize graphics window for long graphs
- show syntax errors in calculator and graph functions
- integration of Qt 4 layout management
New Features
This features have already been integrated into Extcalc during beta state.
- Port to QT 4
- redesigned user interface of all tabs
- reorganisation and optimization of the calculator and script preprocessor functions
- precise error messages
- import/export function for graphs
- comment line in function table
- usage of logic operations and script commands for graph drawing and analysis
- integrate list of numeric constants
- open help file in an integrated browser
- multithreading for graph calculation
- optimization of the script parser methods
Main Features
This features have been integrated during the alpha phase.
- user interface for calculator
- user interface for graphics
- mathematical parser with scientific functions
- standard functions (+, -, *, /, ...)
- trigonometric functions
- logarithms
- roots
- exponential functions
- variables
- integration
- differential calculation
- drawing of graphs
- normal graphs
- polar graphs
- parameter function graphs
- 3D-graphs
- dynamic graphs
- complex graphs
- function graph analysis
- calculate x-value
- calculate roots
- Newton's Method
- calculate y-values
- calculate points of intersection
- integration
- differential calculation
- base-n calculatons
- logic functions
- tables
- script editor
- script management
- script console
- scripting commands
- for and while loop
- if expression
- arrays
- break, continue, stop keywords
- output functions: print, setcursor, clear
- input functions: getkey, getline, keystate
- script commands for file usage
- 3D-graphics interface for scripting
- 2D-graphics interface for scripting
- script debugging messages
- zooming and moving graphics window
- saving screenshots of graphics window
- drawing into graphics window
- complex numbers
- matrix calculations
- vector calculations
- matrix and vector operation support
- matrix and vector calculator
- solving linear equations
- analyse matrices and vectors
- generate matrices and vectors
- statistic functions
- approximation functions
- interpolation functions
- statistical analysis functions